DCF Board Meeting Sept. 24th, 2002


Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting
September 24th 2002
NDP Caucus Services, Ottawa

In Attendance:
Tessa Hebb
Nanci Morrison
Chris Watson 
Anne Scotton 
Fraser Green

Howard Pawley
Jill Marzetti
David Woodbury
Ted Jackson 
Lorne Ingle 

Request to participate by conference call:
David Mackenzie

Call to Order 
9:30 The Meeting was called to order by the President.

M/S/C that the agenda be approved.

M/S/C that the minutes of the last Board meeting be approved.

Presidents Report

The President's report was delayed until the AGM directly following the Board Meeting

The President gave a quick review to the Board. Stating that Bill Blaikie presented the Woodsworth prize this year and that the Beverlee Bell Scholarship will be awarded this year to a student studying development in third world contexts.

The President also reported that a bequest package will go out in the January mailing along with receipts.


The President reported on correspondence with Stoddart publishing re: a request from the DCF to buy the remainder of the M.J. Coldwell biography at a discounted price for placement in schools and libraries

The President reported that Lorne Ingle has resigned from the Board for health reasons.

The President moved that Lorne be thanked for his many years of service and immesurable contribution to the Douglas Coldwell Foundation

M/S/C That the Board thank Lorne Ingle

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's report delayed until the AGM directly following the Board Meeting

New Projects

The President reviewed the requests that the foundation had received. 
She presented the Share request, regarding affiliating with SHARE and receiving alerts regarding our portfolio, the possibility of participating in shareholder actions as well as other benefits

M/S/C that the DCF take up membership in SHARE at $500.00 a year.

The President presented two requests for funding for conferences
The First, organized by Diane Mahon, is a gathering of Left academics to discuss themes of security and has requested $3000.00.
The Second, organized by CCPA, is a day long seminar on the theme of Canada-US integration and has requested $3000.00.
The New Projects committee recommended both projects

M/S/C That both Conferences be endorsed.

The New Project committee recommended that the Allan Blakeney film project and the request from the frontier Centre not be supported

M/S/C That the New Project committee's recommendations be adopted

Nominations to the Board

The President reported that with the resignations of Lorne Ingle and of Bill Knight
That there are two positions available on the Board


10:40 the Meeting was adjourned by the President. 

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