Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting
September 20th 2001 - NDP Caucus Services, Ottawa
In Attendance:
Tessa Hebb
Dick Martin
Ted Jackson
Lorne Ingle
Bill Blaikie
Fraser Green
Marion Dewar
Kealy Cummings
Howard Pawley
Bill Knight
Jill Marzetti
David Woodbury
Request to participate by conference call:
David Mackenzie
Call to Order
9:45 The Meeting was called to order by the President.
M/S/C that the agenda be approved.
M/S/C that the minutes of the last Board meeting be approved.
Presidents Report
The President's report was delayed until the AGM directly following the Board Meeting
The President reviewed the correspondence for the board including: various requests for funding, correspondence with Stoddart publishing re: a request from the DCF to buy the remainder of the M.J. Coldwell biography at a discounted price for placement in schools and libraries; and also the final installment from the Eileen Sufrin estate, which will be transferred to the DCF's portfolio.
Fraser Green volunteered to look into a bequest package for members to make endowment contributions to the DCF
Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's report delayed until the AGM directly following the Board Meeting
The Treasurer reported on moving the portfolio from Nesbitt Burns to another institution. Three possibilities were looked into Scotia McLeod, Real Assets and Credential Securities.
The Treasurer recommended that for the time being the portfolio be transferred to Scotia McLeod because of their good track record and flexibility. And that we also stay in touch with Real Assets because of their expertise with ethical investing
M/S/C that the Treasurer's report be adopted.
New Projects
The President reviewed the requests that the foundation had received. She presented the ETAG No Sweat anti sweatshop proposal saying that it involves a lot of youth, is a good counterbalance to our recent historical and academic projects and is exactly the kind of grassroots project that captures the spirit of Social Democracy.
Ted Jackson moved that we provide $10 000 for public education to ETAG in the 2002 budget and that we promote the idea to other foundations and individuals. Bill Blaikie seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously carried.
Marion Dewar moved that we accept individual donations on behalf of ETAG and provide tax receipts. Fraser Green was concerned that issuing tax receipts for non-charities might put our charitable status in danger. He volunteered to look further into it and report back to the board. The president suggested that we develop guidelines on this topic.
The president recommended that the other two projects, A film biography of Allan Blakeney and a request from be taken up in 2002.
M/S/C that the recommendations regarding new Projects be approved
10:25 the Meeting was adjourned by the President.
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