DCF Board Meeting November 27, 2008


Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting

Thursday November 27, 2008
11:00 am ET Board Meeting

300-279 Laurier Ave W
Ottawa, ON

David Mackenzie
Pat Kerwin
Tessa Hebb
Kealey Cummings
Dick Proctor
Eric Hebert-Daly

On the Phone:
Alexa McDonough
David Woodbury
Frank Saptel
Anne Scotton
Howard Leeson

1. Adoption of Agenda

2. Minutes of May 25 2008 Board Meeting


3. Correspondence
David brought forward correspondence from the TDRI – Tommy Douglas Research Institute
A great deal of discussion occurred on this topic with the understanding this topic would be discussed in further detail at the spring Board Meeting in 2009.

4. President’s Report
Thank you to Doug Massey and the Officers for the guidance of moving into the role of President.
David took a moment on everyone’s behalf to reflect on Marion Dewar’s life and her recent passing. David discussed her incomparable life as an activist and for all that she accomplished. She will be dearly missed.
Motion to appoint Dawn Black, MP and Eric Hebert-Daly to the Board to fill vacant positions
Motion to approve President’s Report
David welcomed Eric Hebert-Daly to the Board

5. Secretary’s Report
Doug went over membership numbers on behalf of Anne
151 currently paid members
77 to renew
29 Association memberships – we need to pursue these more
Frank asked that we set targets – for example – Lifetime members – bring to 20 (double current #’s)
Motion to approved Secretary’s report

6. Treasurer’s Report
YTD Financial Statements
Pat went over the YTD financial statements including the current ScotiaMcleod Investment statement.
Pat discussed the third DVD Project which would include the War Measures Act debates and the Shirley Douglas – Tribute to Tommy at the 2006 Federal NDP Convention
Tessa – questioned investments – so far overall loss of 15%
Pat commented on the fact that some bonds are due in April and this is when the 2009 Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Award will be given out.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report
Recommendations for 2010 – start at $5,000 for grants unless the markets rebound

7. Scholarship Report
Discussed current Scholarships given out and will contact Bill Brennan at U of
Regina to follow up on that scholarship.

8. 2009 Award Discussion
- Mary McGreevey - Reading Club
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability
- Rideau Institute
- Urban Core Support Network Saint John Inc.
- ACORN Canada
- Parkland Institute
- Project Harvest - Guatamalan Project
Discussion about all the projects submitted.
Everyone was very pleased with all the projects submitted.
Motion to approve $25,000 Award to the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability

9. New Business
Allan Blakeney Memoirs book launch – looking for support
Motion to give $500 to launch

Reminder about CLiFF – Canadian Labour International Film Festival
Motion that DCF will host Ottawa venue – at the National Archives theatre on November 28 and 29, 2009

Motion to adjourn meeting at 12:52 PM


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