Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting
November 22, 2007 Board Meeting
11:30 am.
300-279 Laurier Ave W
Ottawa, ON.
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In Attendance:
Pat Kerwin
Éric Hébert-Daly (Guest)
Kealey Cummings
Marion Dewar
Erin Armstrong
Doug Massey (staff)
By phone:
Frank Saptel
Tessa Hebb
Howard Pawley
Lynn Williams
Howard Leeson
Dick Proctor
Anne Scotton
David Mackenzie (stuck at the airport due to the weather)
Allan Blakeney
Ed Broadbent
Fraser Green
The meeting started at 11:30 am. Since David Mackenzie was stranded at the Toronto airport, Pat Kerwin chaired the meeting
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of minutes of May 16th, 2007 Board Meeting
3. Correspondence
Reviewed all the correspondence that was submitted
4. President’s Report
Cancelled since David was stranded at the airport in Toronto
5. Secretary’s Report
Doug reported on membership – 197 regular memberships and 28 Association Memberships
Pat Kerwin discussed the association memberships and looking to them for funding for the 3rd DVD project. Éric suggested trying to make the DVD bilingual.
Secretary’s report – m/s/c
6. Treasurer’s Report
Pat went over the Balance Sheet including the new investment reporting details (now recorded at Market Value for all starting in 2007 as per our Auditor).
Tessa Hebb commented that she was pleased that we can now show the portfolio at Market value.
Pat went over the Income Statement.
Pat went over 3rd DVD project which will cover the War Measures Act speeches we have from the House of Commons archives – a video/photo montage will be created to display while the speech is being played in the background. Pat is also hoping to get Shirley Douglas’ speech at the 2006 Federal NDP Convention celebrating Tommy.
Treasurer’s report – m/s/c
7. By-Laws
Reminder that notice of proposed changes will be going out for the AGM in May 2008.
8. Fund for Global Survival
The Officers met to discuss this project and decided it was too much for the Foundation to take on.
Letter to George to be sent.
9. New Project Requests
New projects committee is Tessa and David. New at least one more member of the Board. Howard Leeson and Anne Scotton agreed to join the committee.
Graham Spry Film Project
- similar to “Fair Shares for All” project
- a great group
- suggestion to bring them back for the competition in 2008
Recommended for $5,000
- 50 Italians Film
- Apathy is Boring
Great group – have applied several times before
Targets youth
Recommended for $5,000
- Sudbury Manitoulin’s Children Foundation
Great proposal – would also give us a new avenue for promoting the Foundation.
Recommended for $20,000
- Canadian Paralympic Foundation
- Canadian Dimension Magazine
- Regina Manifesto Play
Recommended to them know try Saskatchewan NDP their contacts
Discussion on grants
Frank brought forth the value of ACORN’s work and suggested supporting them for $5,000
Howard Leeson mentioned supporting more project for less each
Motion to give grants to for $20,000, ACORN Canada for $5,000 and Apathy is Boring for $5,000 – m/s/c
Also a decision was made to close Grant submissions two weeks before each Board meeting to allow time for review. - m/s/c
10. Scholarship Report
All scholarships have been given out other than University of Regina. Doug will follow up with them
11. New Business
Conventions to attend:
SK NDP – Howard Leeson offered to assist
CLC Convention May 2008 – cover off CALM awards – hold the next AGM in Toronto at that time (Doug would come down to staff booth with the assistance of members)
Federal NDP Convention – November 2008 – 75th Anniversary Convention
2009 Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Award – to be awarded at the 2008 Federal NDP Convention like the 2006 award
Pat reported for the Finance committee that the Legacy leaflet was under way, lapel pins had been chosen to give to members and the stock donation program was being implemented.
Motion to close meeting at 12:45 pm.
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