Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting
March 19th 2002
NDP Caucus Services Office, Ottawa
In Attendance:
Tessa Hebb
Nanci Morrison
Anne Scotton
Fraser Green
Ted Jackson
Lorne Ingle
David Mackenzie by phone
Jill Marzetti by phone
Howard Pawley
David Woodbury
Chris Watson
Call to Order
The meeting was convened at 10:20am
Minutes Update: Fraser Green reported that the bequest package might be an add-on to the next membership mail-out. He suggested a few Board members work with him to develop a bequest package for our members.
M/S/C. That the minutes of the last meeting be approved.
Presidents Report
The President reported on the loss of our treasurer, Dick Martin, and our grief at his passing. Our deep sorrow and condolences have been expressed to the family. A tribute to brother Martin was included in the mail out recently to DCF members drawing their attention to his life and to his work.
The Board accepted the resignation of Bill Knight and congratulated him on his new responsibilities. Further discussion on gender balance and the nominations for positions vacant led to the conclusion that the next AGM would be the appropriate venue for such a discussion, At this time 6 of the available 14 Board current positions are filled by women and there are two honorary patrons.
It was agreed that Bill Blaikie would make the presentation of the DCF scholarships at Woodsworth College.
M/S/C. That the Ontario Woodsworth Memorial Foundation Scholarship be established at $500.00 annually.
M/S/C. that Nanci Morrison join the DCF Board and that she assume the role of Treasurer as of this meeting.
M/S/C. That Adam Hodgins' honorarium be established at $450.00 per month after five years of loyal service.
The President also confirmed the change of investment planning and portfolio management had been changed to Scotia McLeod following a discussion of the officers at the direction of the Board.
M/S/C that Nanci Morrison be authorized to represent the board in dealing with Scotia McLeod.
It was noted that there had been unanimous agreement that $10 000.00 be provided to the No Sweat Campaign and that it had been done.
The issue of receipts for third party donations would be dealt with at the fall AGM as resolution of a Board policy.
The Beverlee Bell Scholarship has been established at Carleton University and conditions agreed upon with an annual award of $1000.00 beginning in the fall of 2002.
Membership requests will go out with the minutes and lapsed members will be included
Treasurer's Report
Tessa Hebb reviewed the Cash Flow Report for 2002. She reported on new contributions to the Endowment fund of $10,333, primarily as a result of the Beverlee Bell Memoriam.
M/S/C. That the report be accepted.
Report of the New Projects Committee
Outstanding Requests
Birdsong - film on Allan Blakeney - waiting to hear from Saskatchewan NDP if they will be assisting in the funding of the project. Tessa will follow up with Saskatchewan NDP and communicate findings to the Board. -declined- letter to be sent
New Requests
Book request - George Campeau to translate book from French to
English. The Boag Foundation has put $500 towards this project.
M/S/C. That the DCF give $1000 of support towards the publishing of the book..
Tessa to communicate with him.
Correspondence from Bob Cook requesting support for the Dorothy O'Connell Award for individuals or groups who have made a significant contribution to eradicating poverty in Ottawa. - declined
Ian Waddell - fictional novel on experience in parliament on Water Export - declined
M/S/C. That the report of the New Projects committee be accepted.
New Business
Ted Jackson suggested that now that the Foundation is running well we need to address the long term issue of how to grow the funds of the Foundation with a long term strategic plan, it was decided that this issue would be brought up at the AGM. The Foundation should make sure that we have articles on a regular basis in provincial NDP newsletters. Fraser, Ted, Tessa & Jill volunteered to come up with a strategy for both increasing membership and bequest for the next meeting.
Date of next Board meeting and Annual General Meeting set for September 24th 2002 in Ottawa.
M/S/C Adjourment: 11:30 a.m.
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