DCF Board Meeting March 13, 2006


Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Board Meeting
March 13, 2006 Board meeting
155-1000 Queen St. W
Ottawa, ON.

10:15 am – meeting called to order


Tessa Hebb
Pat Kerwin
Kealey Cummings
Fraser Green
Marion Dewar
Lynn Williams
David Woodbury

Doug Massey

On the phone:
Frank Saptel
Jill Marzetti
Howard Pawley

Ted Jackson
David Mackenzie

Tessa welcomed Alexa McDonough to the Board and Lynn Williams who was able to join us in Ottawa for the meeting.

The President and Treasurer’s Report was tabled for the Annual General Meeting immediately following the Board Meeting.

1. M/S/C Approval of agenda

2. M/S/C Approval of minutes of last Board Meeting May 5th 2005 (Nov. 2005 Board meeting was cancelled due to election call). Minutes are posted on the DCF.ca web site

3. New Projects Report
In the Summer an email ballot was conducted to get approval for the DVD Project – 100 % response to the email proxy ballot and every Board member approved of the project.
Pat Kerwin walked us through the DVD project expenses and revenues. Those giving $10 per month or more on our monthly giving plan or a one time donation of $250.00 or more will receive a “Collector’s edition” copy of the DVD “Speeches of Tommy Douglas – Volume 1” – these levels are due to restrictions in Charitable foundations for “gifts” that are given back to donors. The DVD can also be purchased for $24.95 includes taxes plus $5 shipping and handling (no tax receipt is given).

We also created a new look for the Foundation with a profession graphics design firm Joss Maclennan Designs. A poster was created in both English and French to help promote the Foundation. We revamped our web site, letterhead, leaflets, and had new membership cards created. It was felt that we needed these materials to engage new members and groups. The DVD project was a significant initiative with kudos to Pat Kerwin and Doug Massey for all of their hard work on this project.

We will be announcing the release of the DVD at a press conference this afternoon.

Pat Kerwin added a message of thanks about DVD project and wanted to recognize the Saskatchewan NDP, the Canadian Labour Congress and the UFCW for giving us copies of the videos used for the DVD project. It was also a huge success having Shirley Douglas introduce the speeches on the DVD and the support she has shown for the Foundation. Selected clips of this DVD are on our web site.

Volume 2 of the DVD set is now being researched by Pat Kerwin. This will include speeches from Tommy Douglas while he sat in the House of Commons. It was suggested that Ed Broadbent would be a good individual to provide the introduction to this DVD collection.

Second new project announced is a competition of one single large award for $25,000
Project that best captures “Tommy Douglas’ Vision for Canada”

M/S/C We proceed with a 2006 award of $25,000 for project that best captures “Tommy Douglas’ Vision for Canada”. In order to be able to grant this amount we will not undertake any other project request (with the exception of our on-going scholarships) until November of 2006. The Board will select a winner from proposal’s received. Terms of reference for the competition are attached.

It was suggested that the winner of the competition be announced from the podium at the upcoming NDP Federal Convention in Sept. in Quebec City.

4. Scholarships Report:
Three universities awarded our scholarships last year, Carleton University, University of Regina, and U. of T. Woodsworth College. We will post these scholarships on our revamped web site with links to the institutions where they need to apply. We will seek permission to post the names of the winners of the scholarships each year. Frank Saptel will be asked to can follow up with CALM with Rosemarie.
M/S/C: Adoption of the Report

5. Membership Drive
Doug Massey reported in Anne’s absence. We have increased our current membership to 103 and are beginning to be able to sustain our administration cost through our annual and monthly membership donations. We would like all the Board members to continue to find 25 new members in 2006. Doug can send out letters/emails on your behalf. Doug will send out current membership list to Board Members so the Board can see who responded to last year’s appeal.

6. Nomination Committee Report:
The full board acts as the nomination committee for the meeting
With the addition of Frank Saptel and Alexa McDonough at last year’s AGM the 17 voting Board positions are currently filled.
We will look into Honourary Patrons for our next AGM.

7. Other Business: Frank Saptel recommended we think about a French version of the video Mouseland.

8. M/S/C Meeting adjourned 11:15 a.m. Next Board meeting to be confirmed in June after the close of submissions for the DCF Prize.

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