DCF Annual General Meeting Sept. 24th, 2002


Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Annual General Meeting
September 24th 2002
NDP Caucus Services, Ottawa

In Attendance:
Tessa Hebb
Nanci Morrison
Chris Watson
Anne Scotton
Fraser Green
Dennis Gruending

Howard Pawley
Jill Marzetti
David Woodbury
Ted Jackson
Lorne Ingle

The Meeting was called to order by the President at 10:50.

M/S/C that the agenda be approved.

M/S/C that the minutes be approved

Presidents Report

See attached

M/S/C that the Presidents report be approved

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer presented the audited statements for 2001.

The Treasurer presented the year to date cash flow statement.

M/S/C that the Treasurers report be approved.

M/S/C that the auditors Vaillancourt & Lupinski, be re-appointed for 2002.

The Treasurer reported that moving our portfolio to Frank Charette at Scotia McLeod has worked out well and that she is pleased with his handling of our account.

The President moved that Nanci Morrison be thanked for taking on the role of Treasurer
M/S/C That Nanci Morrison be thanked.

New Project Committee

The President reported that the Board has approved funding in the amount of $3 00.00 each to the CCPA Seminar on Canada-US relations and to the Diane Mahon security conference at Carleton University.
The President also reported that the Board has not approved a film of Allan Blakeney and the request from the Frontier Centre.

M/S/C that the New Projects report be adopted.


M/S/C that the meeting be Adjourned

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25.

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