Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Annual General Meeting
May 18th, 2000 - NDP Board Room, Ottawa
In Attendance:
Tessa Hebb
Ted Jackson
Lorne Ingle
Anne Scotton
Marion Dewar
Bill Blaikie
Jill Marzetti
Jim MacDonald
Bill Knight
Geraldine McGuire
David Mackenzie
Keally Cummings
Dick Martin
Fraser Green
The Meeting was called to order by the President at 10:30.
M/S/C that the agenda be approved.
Presidents Report
See attached
M/S/C that the Presidents report be approved
Treasurer's Report
M/S/C all in attendance send best wishes to Dick Martin and a speedy recovery to good health.
Tessa Hebb reported for Dick Martin.
She presented the 1999 audited statements (a copy is available to all current members).
The President than reported on the year to date cash flow statement for 2000.
Lorne Ingle suggested that the honorarium for the administrative assistant be adjusted
M/S/C that the Officers review and adjust the current honorarium for Adam Hodgins.
M/S/C that the Treasurers report be approved.
M/S/C that the auditors Vaillancourt & Lupinski, be re-appointed for 2000.
Tessa Hebb reported that that the executive was not happy with the performance of Nesbitt Burns and suggested that the Officers proceed to look for a new portfolio manager, bringing new proposals to the next Board meeting.
M/S/C that the Officers interview new investment managers with a recommendation to the Board at the next meeting.
New Project Committee
Tessa Hebb quickly reviewed the projects that were submitted to the DCF for funding (see attached). Of the five proposals were submitted to the DCF since the last meeting the New Project Committee recommends the George Brown College photo exhibit project receive funding in the amount of $1 000. As part of our funding we will request that the phot exhibit be made accessible on a web site either posted on the DCF web site or linked to the DCF web site. The four proposals not recommended for funding are; a video project on the life of Machine Gun Wallace, the book "Petrotyranny", The Working Women's Conference in Toronto and the book Health for Sale were not recommended for funding.
M/S/C that the New Projects report be adopted.
Election of DCF Board Members
Tessa Hebb reported that both Geraldine McGuire and Margaret Jenkins have resigned from the board of directors and she recommended that Board members think of possible candidates and bring their recommendations to the next Board meeting.
M/S/C that recommendation be adopted.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30.
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