Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Annual General Meeting
June 3rd 2003
NDP Caucus Services, Ottawa
In Attendance:
Nanci Morrison
Fraser Green
Anne Scotton
David Mackenzie
Tessa Hebb
Keally Cummings
Call to Order
12:35 the meeting was called to order
M/S/C that the minutes of the last board meeting be approved.
Presidents Report
The president sends her regrets. She is unable to attend the meeting because of the recent death of her mother.
Treasurers Report
The Treasurers presented the audited statements for 2002.
The treasurer presented the year to date cash flow statement.
M/S/C that the Treasurer's report be approved.
M/S/C that Ted Lupinski be re-appointed auditor for 2003.
Nomination Committee
With the resignation of Lorne Ingle and Bill Knight there are two vacant seats on the board. The nomination committee recommended that Lynn Williams, who has already agreed, and Shirley Douglas, who has not yet been approached, fill the vacant positions on the Board.
M/S/C that the committee recommendations be accepted.
Other Business
Fraser Green discussed plans to start a membership drive aiming for a starting date of September this year.
David Mackenzie gave a report on ETAG and their current activities he recommended that both ETAG and Mining Watch receive $ 7 500.00 for their respective projects.
M/S/C that both ETAG and Mining Watch receive $ 7 500.00
1:00 the meeting was adjourned
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