Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Annual General Meeting
August 16, 2009 - Halifax, NS Annual General Meeting
In Attendance:
David Mackenzie
Pat Kerwin
Alexa McDonough
Michael Deraiche
Janine Bertolo
David Illman-White
Kevin Wright
Simon Strelchik
Doug Massey (staff)
By phone:
Howard Leeson
Erin Armstrong
Anne Scotton
10 proxies received
Peter Clarke
Fraser Green
Tessa Hebb
Kealey Cummings
Dick Proctor
Lynn Williams
1. Adoption of Agenda
m / s / c
2. Minutes of May 25 2008 Annual General Meeting
3. President’s Report
David Mackenzie welcomed the members who have joined us at the meeting today and had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves.
Having the booth at the Federal NDP Convention in Halifax has been very effective.
Discussed the grant given to Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability and then explained how we will be returning to a range of grants in the future – the award of $25,000 now given out for the third time has been very effective in increasing the profile of the Foundation as well.
David encouraged our membership to recommend grant proposals to the Foundation.
4. Secretary’s Report
Membership count
12 Lifetime (those giving a $1,000 one time donation)
93 Current members
137 members to renew
29 Association memberships
Plus the members signed up this weekend.
All membership donations receive a charitable tax receipt. For those giving $10 a month or more will receive a collector’s edition DVD of Speeches of Tommy Douglas.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Pat covered the Audited Financial statements
Last year lost about $200,000 on investments and this year so far have regained about $100,000.
Pat Kerwin – we’ve made the award to the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (in 2009).
We’ve also received a $30,000 donation this year from a single donor which is greatly appreciated.
Pat also covered off the upcoming 3rd DVD project which will require greater funding to accomplish which will cover the War Measurers Act debates plus any other video footage we can get our hands on that would be appropriate to include.
Janine asked where our investments are. Pat explained they are done through ScotiaMcLeod in Ottawa in a balanced plan which historically has had a reasonable return. Pat also explained we are a member of SHARE who assists us with monitoring our portfolio.
Alexa offered to recruit the Nova Scotia Caucus into supporting the Foundation as individual memberships.
6. Nomination of Board Members
There are 5 spaces available on the Board and we have 5 members who have shown interest and accepted the nomination for a three year term as per the by-laws.
David Illman-White
Phyllis Dietrich
Kevin Wright
Jesse Brady
Peter Stoffer, MP
7. Other Business
Simon brought up that there is a collection from the Ontario Woodsworth Foundation (which merged with the DCF) that should be looked into. David asked Simon to contact Doug with more information for follow up.
Motion to adjourn at 5:00 pm AT
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