DCF Annual General Meeting April 20, 2004


Douglas-Coldwell Foundation Annual General Meeting
Tues, April 20, 2004
NDP Caucus Services, Ottawa

In Attendance:
Tessa Hebb
Nanci Morrison
Fraser Green
Ted Jackson
Marion Dewar
Anne Scotton
David Mackenzie (by phone)

Staff: Audrey Moey
Guests: Dave McGrane

Lynn Williams
Keally Cummings
David Woodbury

Call to Order
10:30 Meeting called to order

1. President's report
Tessa reported that since the last AGM, we have contributed to

· The Ethical Trading Action Group (ETAG) Antisweatshop campaign
· John Polanyi Conference at Concordia University
· Mining Watch
· CCPA Workshop on Deep Integration
· Carleton University conference Transforming Security/ Securing TransformationCentre for Social Justice: Consultation on Foreign and Defence Policy
· Various scholarships

All the allocated monies were spent.

Patrik Snajdr is our webmaster and web-donations will now be possible.

First email proxy ballot (on request from Centre for Social Justice) was very successful; our Board is very email-savvy.

Tessa will continue to pass on information and recommendations from SHARE.
Joy Langan will attend the next SHARE meeting - there was none this year.

We have received proxy votes from Joy and Robert Needham - this shows that Board members are in touch even when they cannot be present at meetings.

Bill Blaikie will be resigning from the Board.
Resolution to thank him for the many years of service - M/S/C TH/FG

Audrey will prepare resolution; Tessa will send a personal note as well.

After the federal election, Tessa will approach Chris Watson about renting space for the DCF office. M/S/C FG/TJ

2. Executive Secretary's Report

3. Treasurer's Report

Nanci presented the highlights of the audited statements for 2003. Audrey will request that there is a total amount shown for Conferences, Awards and Bursaries/Scholarships in next year's audited statements.

The Cash Flow report was presented, showing normal adjustments for the year. It was noted that our investments have been well-managed by Frank Charette at Scotia-McLeod - we are making money for the first time.

Tessa added that the book value of our unrestricted funds is actually a little lower than the market value.

M/S/C to accept report FG/TH

Nanci reported that due to our almost losing our charitable status this year, the Officers would like to explore finding a new auditor. She proposed that the Officers be authorized to conduct a search and report back to the Board at a later time.

Anne suggested that we find someone who is familiar with what we do. All suggestions should be forwarded to Audrey.

Nanci also addressed the issue of getting checks signed in a timely fashion. Suggestion was put forward to add Audrey Moey as a signator.

Anne has real reservations, as it is not considered a sound practice to allow "employees" to have signing authority. Motion was withdrawn.

Nomination of David Mackenzie as Vice-President (officers' recommendation)

Vacancies on the Board

Tessa reported that we have been wooing Shirley Douglas, but she may be out of town, so we will wait to hear back from her before moving on. Anne suggested approaching Kiefer Sutherland if Shirley declines.

Ted suggested that we could approach Kiefer to help in doubling the size of our foundation endowment. If Shirley does come on board, we can still approach Kiefer with any interesting ideas for the DCF.

Ted reminded everyone that they should engage in "big thinking". Marion reminded us that we should not forget about Kiefer's twin sister, Rachel.

Now that Bill Blaikie is resigning, there will be no caucus member on the board. Motion that Judy Wasylycia-Leis be approached M/S/C TH/NM

David McGrane asked why there isn't a youth membership category. Fraser explained that historically, DCF members have been more "mature". Discussion ensued on adding a youth category. Youth membership will apply to anyone under the age of 26 (same as New Democratic Youth membership), and the youth membership rate is set at $12.00.

Audrey will work with Patrik to get the website adjusted to reflect this.

11:03am Meeting adjourned.

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