La Bourse Beverlee Bell pour faire progresser la démocratie et les droits de la personne dans les pays en développement

Carleton University

Beverlee Bell Scholarship in Human Rights and Democracy

Scholarship: Beverlee Bell Scholarship in Human Rights and Democracy

Description: This scholarship, valued at $1,000, is awarded annually to a graduate student who is making a significant contribution to human rights and democracy in developing countries. Established in 2002 to honour the memory of NDP activist Beverlee Bell, by her family and the Douglas-Coldwell Foundation. The recipient is chosen by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.

Value: $1,000

Deadlines: January (please check Carleton University site for exact date)

Category: Internal

Eligibility: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Public Affairs and Management

Criteria: Graduate student making significant contribution to human rights and democracy in developing countries.

Selection: Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Contact: Academic department


Agency/Organization: Carleton University
Business Address: 1125 Colonel By Drive
City: Ottawa
Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Phone Number: (613) 520-2525
Fax Number: (613) 520 4049

Beverlee Anne Bell

Beverlee Anne Bell was born on August 23, 1950 in Montreal to proud parents Jean Watson and Clifford Bell.

Beverlee moved to Ottawa in 1983 and became very active in the peace movement and worked for the Peace Petition Caravan. Eventually, she became involved in the NDP.

During her time with the NDP, Beverlee worked for Cid Samson, Michael Cassidy and Evelyn Gigantes. She worked at NDP headquarters as Tour Coordinator for Alexa McDonough and then became Director of Administration for the NDP Caucus. Beverlee had worked on many campaigns across the country, making an impression on everyone she worked with and forging lasting friendships. Beverlee loved a campaign.

Through her life, Beverlee approached things with incredible optimism, tenacity and spirit.

We are all richer for knowing her.